Salute to Wine Fridges!

August 9th, 2011

Fridges & Freezers Wine Storage

Do you have a passion for vintage wine and don’t have wine storage? You don’t need to live in the hunter valley to have an aromatic collection of aging wine. Bring the luxury of wine collecting to your house by purchasing a wine storage fridge. If you like being the host of dinner parties and love entertaining then a wine fridge could be that added bonus for you! There is nothing better than a delicious, smooth glass of well-kept wine with a scrumptious meal.

While wine can improve with age, it can also rapidly deteriorate if kept in insufficient conditions. It’s all about light, humidity and temperature. Our wine cooling refrigerators will ensure maximum longevity for vintage wines, and will also make a stylish addition to your bar or cellar. We offer an impressive range of wine storage appliances for the modern décor to the timber or antique decor. The choice is yours!

If you are interested in purchasing a wine fridge, we hold two categories: single temperature and multiple temperature. If you are a frequent entertainer, the multiple temperature fridges would be a better selection; as single temperature fridges are meant to protect the wines from fluctuations in temperature.

Do you already have a wine storage? Here are some tips for storing wine correctly:

Before Opening:

  1. Keep it in the dark
  2. Store corked wine bottles on their sides
  3. Keep the temperature constant
  4. Don’t move the wine
  5. Keep the humidity at around 70%
  6. Isolate the wine
  7. Store for an appropriate amount of time
  8. Adjust the temperature before serving

After Opening:

  1. Store opened white wine in a wine cellar or closet
  2. Leave red wine out
  3. Keep dessert wines like Sauternes, most everyday Ports and most Sherries for longer

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all age like wine? If only we had our very special anti-aging fridge…

So pick up your glasses and salute to wine fridges!

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