Author Archive for Robert Brindley

Rob’s ricotta and mushroom omelette – a family favourite

May 31st, 2015 by

[caption id="attachment_32303" align="alignright" width="300"] Rob's ricotta and mushroom omelette - a family favourite[/caption] I've no idea where I got this recipe so I'm going to claim I created it. This has been a family favourite for years, but it was particularly triumphant when I travelled to England to meet some long lost cousins for a holiday in Cornwall. They thought I was a genius as I presented them with ... Read more

Rob’s particularly fine tuna, garlic and parsley pasta recipe

May 10th, 2015 by

I graduated from the Basic Cooking School some time ago, and my first triumph was being able to cook spaghetti and meat balls...well, when I say 'cook', I mean I managed to open a can and not to burn the contents on the stove. Now, many years later, I can create masterpieces like this simple Italian style, very tasty, Tuscan-variation pasta dish, and can do it without ... Read more