There are more germs in the kitchen than the loo, says expert

April 23rd, 2012

Appliance News Kitchen

He’s been on the radio and in the papers, spreading more and more each day, sort of like an infectious virus. Dr Gerba, also known as Dr Germ, has been touting the importance of sterilisation in our lives to stop the spread of germs.

It turns out that the kitchen is even grottier than the toilet. People tend to be meticulous in keeping the bathroom impeccable, while the kitchen bugs out, literally.

Kitchen sponges and chopping boards are the biggest culprits, containing swarms of bacteria that are only spread around the kitchen as surfaces are wiped down. This is what Dr Gerba has been telling Australia’s media on radio and in the press.

(Read: How to avoid food poisoning without being paranoid.)

The microbiologist and hygiene expert says that we should be disinfecting kitchen surfaces regularly, washing hands all the time and tossing out sponges weekly.

But is this potty talk? The US doctor’s trip to Australia is sponsored by…White King Bleach, a handy household disinfectant.

So while in an interview with the Herald Dr Germ said that there is 200 times more faecal bacteria found on chopping boards than average toilet seat, other scientists are not so sure for the need of such habitual sterilisation.

The Herald also reported the flip side to such obsessive cleanliness with harsh chemicals, which end up in the water supply and affect the environment.

According to an Australian infectious disease specialist, Mary-Louise McLaws, sensible hygiene, soap and water and an alcohol-based sanitiser will cut the mustard.

“Ideas about sterilising and disinfecting household surfaces are just nonsensical,” she told the Herald.

“We’re not performing surgery in our homes; nor do we have immunocompromised patients.

Bottom line? Keep it clean, chuck smelly sponges, but don’t bug out.


Sofia loves to keep things clean. Vacuum cleaners, giant washing machines and jumbo dishwashers hum away in her abode daily. Obsessive? Maybe. Passionate about appliances? For sure! She has been writing about appliance trends and happenings since 2010.

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