The Perfect Pair with Fisher & Paykel | Appliances Online

March 23rd, 2016

Appliance Talk Clothes Dryers Laundry Stuff about appliances you'd be an idiot not to read Washers & Dryers


Some things just go perfectly together- Wine and cheese, fish and chips, washers and dryers.

About that last one – how well-matched are YOUR laundry appliances?

For a long time the laundry space didn’t even get a second thought, and not many people bothered about laundry rooms, leaving their washing machine and or dryer just being placed in the corner of their garage or shed.

Laundry in shed- jlbeachhouse

Laundry in shed- jlbeachhous

Not that that’s a bad thing, but fast forward a few years when there is an abundance of renovation shows on TV, blogs and vlogs of laundry room makeovers, and tonnes of Pinterest boards filled with inspirational laundry photos.

Caro-and-Kingi-laundry room- The block 2015

Caro-and-Kingi-laundry room- The block 2015

The details and thought put into laundry renovations, as well as time and money spent on laundry rooms are now up there with home kitchens and living spaces. And we here at Appliances Online, and Fisher & Paykel think it’s great, as we believe every aspect of your home should be well looked after and given thought to.


Laundry room- Courtesy of Cape Cod Residential

Over the past few years the typical Australian laundry room has gone from this:


To this:

front loader & mounted dryer

And this is exactly why Fisher & Paykel’s stylish range of washing machines and dryers have been designed to match, to suit the modern laundry room.

Front loader & dryer

Whether you want a top loader placed side by side with a dryer, a front loader washing machine and dryer both installed under a benchtop, a dryer and a front loader stacked on top of each other with a stacking kit, or a dryer positioned above your washer, Fisher & Paykel has the laundry appliance for you.

Top loader & dryer
Not only do perfectly-paired appliances look great together (and you’d be surprised by what a difference that can make in a busy laundry room), but their functions can effortlessly sync with one another, avoiding a bunch of those small laundry irritations that can quickly snowball into larger frustrations.

The same font is used on the control panels across the entire range, and the controls even flow nicely from left to right, which not only makes each appliance match beautifully, but makes usage and operation easy.



If you’re now looking into your laundry space and saying to yourself, “yep, definitely time for a change”, then you’ll be pleased to know that for a limited time, if you purchase a Perfect Pair washing machine and dryer from Fisher & Paykel, you’ll be eligible to redeem a BONUS rebate of up to 10% of your purchase price! (Depending on the items purchased)**

You’ll be also pleased to know that Fisher & Paykel have worked hard to ensure its matching range of washing machines and dryers all have the same if not extremely similar footprint in terms of dimensions, and that their 8kg top loaders have a generous family-size capacity, while taking up little floor space. So even if you’re laundry space isn’t very spacious, you’ll still be able to set up a washer and dryer for your growing household.


With the complementary features and matching finishes of your new appliances, you (or whoever in your household) will be happy to spend more time in your efficient and streamlined laundry room.


**For more information on Fisher & Paykel’s BONUS rebate promotion, click here

All the way from the land of the flightless bird, Krissy brings a part of New Zealand culture to the Appliances Online content team. And although she is adamant she does not say 'fush and chups', she can't deny her continuous use of the term 'sweet as' and her ongoing argument with her team on the correct name for jandals (thongs). One thing is for certain, however, her passion for her kiwi slang is matched with her love for sharing news, hacks and buying tips for all things appliances! Krissy's favourite appliance is the Tefal Cook4Me multi cooker, as she believes it's ok to let an appliance do all the work for you.

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