How to get kids to do chores

June 20th, 2012

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The best thing about getting kids to help out around the house – especially young ones – is that they don’t really know the difference between a chore and a super fun activity like dusting. Seriously, it’s crazy.

It’s a matter of perception, and if you make it look like an easy and fun activity that they would be fools to miss out on, there’s a good chance that the kids will want to help out.

How to get kids to do chores:

  • Start ’em young and keep ’em keen – then make it a routine so as they get older they don’t even consider not doing their chores
  • Turn the music up and make a song and dance about it
  • Make sure that everything has its place so the kids will know where to place stuff
  • Make chores a family activity involving all of you at the same time so if one sibling isn’t helping out they may feel left out and end up pitching in
  • Show them how much you appreciate the help, kids love feeling proud of their efforts
  • Don’t be desperate and make a big deal out of it, kids can sniff a scam a mile away

Alternatively, there’s always bribery – euphemistically called a reward chart or treats.

Meet Monique and her six-year-old Gabrielle and 4.5-year-old Reed. Monique’s latest Facebook update explains how she gets her kids to do chores:

“One 6 year old + a 4.5 year old + rewards = unloaded dishwasher!”

It turns out that Gabrielle enjoys being in the kitchen anyway, baking treats and so forth, but has lagged in the cleaning up of mess department. No more.

(Read: Cooking with kids)

“I told them that if they did it they would get a treat,” Monique says referring to the dishwasher. It was incentive enough and she says that the two happily unloaded the dishwasher with only a little help from Mum.

“But now I’m thinking of doing a marble system, where they get a marble in their container and at the end of week they can swap it for pocket money or a treat.”

Working out the best way to reward children for their efforts needs consideration.

“The problem is that Reed is definitely into instant gratification.”

Gabrielle has just started making her bed in morning, and they both have to tidy up after themselves and not leave stuff on floor. This helps Monique cut down the time it takes to vacuum the house.

What are your tips for getting kids to do chores?

Having once had to sit on the washing machine to stop it from bouncing into oblivion, Keri is today delighted with the new (smoother running) technologies that make housework easier every day. A self-confessed lazy-bones, Keri seeks out quirky inventions that ease the human workload, such as the robotic vacuum cleaner (wow). And as soon as someone figures out a Jetsons-like self-cleaning house, she will happily lay her pen to rest and retire from appliance journalism. Until then, her pick is a fridge that will tell her smartphone when it's time to pick up more beer on the way home. Magic.

One response to “How to get kids to do chores”

  1. T_huynh says:

    Great article! Need more like it;)

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